I have loved going to airports since I was a kid. They have a distinct smell that I can detect as soon as I walk through the sliding doors. Perhaps I loved airports because my father was a journalist. Or maybe because I had an obsession with Japanese flying robots movies. Either way, I am over 30 now and boy every time I walk in an airport I get this wonderful-gut feeling that makes my day.

Once I'm through with security, I look for a spot near a window. The view of airplanes taking off and landing never gets boring. Every time I hear a kid tells his parent “look it’s a plane”, I just wanna reply back “isn’t it cool”. After a few minutes staring through the window, all the noises muffles. People walking from every direction around me out of focus. Only paying attention to the canvas in front of me. No matter how big, small, busy or how quiet the airport is, each has its own character. I try as much as I can to explore them. It is like walking in a theme park. People waiting in line for food, restroom, boarding a plane, security clearance, checking bags... with fewer balloons and churros.

East Asia has the best airports I have visited. In Hong Kong, the airport has a Movie theater. Kuala Lumpur’s has a mini jungle. Osaka’s Kansai international airport was built on a man-made island. It has a practical design that utilizes wind to cool the building. Dubai and Doha airports have fancy shopping centers. One day, I want to stop at Singapore airport. I have heard that it is gorgeous.I don’t know what Airport to explore next. But I know my backpack is always ready.